THE THIRD DIMENSION-VIRTUAL REALITY DISKMAG TONY HARTLEY 19 KIPLING CLOSE LOCKWOOD HUDDERSFIELD OCTOBER 1995 YORKSHIRE ISSUE No.18 ENGLAND HD4 5HA Tel ( O1484 ) 4 6 O 8 8 8. Welcome to issue eighteen of THE THIRD DIMENSION diskmag for the Atari,PC and Amiga Computers.I am sure that you will find something of interest inside.You should start by reading this file,the Contents.txt file and the Editor.txt file. Although the users of this diskmag are known as members, membership is actually Free.This is your magazine! It is the only forum for 3D kit users to swap routines,help and advice across multi platforms.Use it or lose it.Support us now by being a regular user.Disk prices below. ------------------------------------------------------- If you want to buy 3D Construction kit 1 or 2 then contact Mandy Rodrigues.Telephone O1492 8773O5 for more details. The Production team- EXECUTIVE EDITOR- Tony Hartley COMPUTER MULTI FORMAT RESEARCHER- Nigel Alefounder AMIGA PRODUCTION EXECUTIVE- Mieke Van Der Poll CHIEF PC PRODUCTION LAYOUT DESIGNER- John Clarke PC/AMIGA LAYOUT CONVERSION- Mieke Van der Poll ATARI LAYOUT- Tony Hartley GROUP PRODUCTION ADVISOR- Mandy Rodrigues AMIGA INTRO ANIMATION- Antony Quinn/Mieke DISTRIBUTION NETWORK- Floppyshop PD library, ATAR1/FALCON Goodmans Enterprise PDL PC/ATARI 17 Bit Software. AMIGA LAPD.Library ATARI Tony Hartley ALL FORMATS Seasoft Computing AMIGA STAFF WRITER- Mandy Rodrigues THANKS TO THE FOLLOWING CONTRIBUTORS/LETTER WRITERS this issue- John Clarke,Mieke Van Der Poll,Tony Hartley,Mandy Rodrigues, Antony Quinn,Paul Thompson,Nigel Alefounder,Stephen Taylor, Julie Chadwick,Terry Brawls,Paul Littlewood,Johnathon Allerton, Maria Saddleworth.J.J.Simon Jennings. - and anyone else who I may have unintentionally missed out. Remember that anyone can contribute.Send your routines,letters, ideas to the Third Dimension at the address above. The THIRD DIMENSION name,logo and disk magazine is an independant form of media and as such has no connections with any other companies mentioned herein.The PC menu system source code is copyright.This disk is 3DWARE and can be obtained from most good PD libraries,Tony Hartley and various other sources.Feel free to copy it and send anyone a copy. ------------------------------------------------------------ DISK PRICES FROM TONY HARTLEY AT THE THIRD DIMENSION ( address above )- œ1.5O for each monthly issue.Back issues are available! Don't forget to send me your name,address and computer format! œ7.2O for 6 monthly issues.Don't forget to send me your name, address and computer format e.g.IBM PC!(This works out at only œ1.2O per issue) œ13.2O for 12 monthly issues. ( This works out at only œ1.1O per issue ) Regular contributers will recieve discounts on the above prices. ---------------------------------------------------------------- If you have a problem loading anything from this disk then ring the above number.All disks/mail should be sent to the address above.The data on this disk is the property of the Third Dimension and its users.It can be freely copied as long as it is acknowledged that it belongs to the Third Dimension and its user group.The disk has a 75% bias towards the 3D construction kits 1 and 2 by Incentive(Superscape)/Domark and 25% towards anything fun,original or different.3D items always take preference to other items.Send in your 3D work for review/inclusion. Distribution of the disks occurs around the 6th of each month.Contributions should be sent before the 23rd or a lot earlier if possible. To read the TXT files simply double click on them to read or print them (on the Atari) ,or they should load easily into your word processor as they are in ASCII form. I hope that you will support me by sending in any routines, letters,objects,news,etc either on disk or by letter. If you can write a letter on the disk with a word processor preferably saved as an ASCII file then good.If not then send a letter on paper to the address above.I want- routines,objects,areas,letters,ideas,helplines/phone numbers etc. If you don't have anything to write or contribute then don't worry.Don't feel that you have to contribute.This is your disk so please feel free to have your say as there are no hard and fast rules as to the content on the disk. Tony Hartley/The Third Dimension accept no responsibility for virus or any other damage occurred to you or your equipment in any form whatsoever due to the use of this disk. A FEW LITTLE RULES- Please DO NOT put anything in Folders or Directories or Drawers as the information really needs to be in the route directory ( straight onto the disk )of the disk. Make sure that i can fit the disk into your stamped self addressed envelope.It does not have to be a jiffy bag.An ordinary envelope will do as i will wrap the disk in tight paper to protect it. Please only use normal 3 1/2 inch disks,double sided double density preferably. Dont forget to stamp your envelope and put your name on it. Please state which computer format you would like the disk on.If you have a PC then it may be easier if you sent a PC formatted disk ( 3.5 DS.DD ). ALL THE BEST Tony Hartley..E.O.D.M.